
Die Gose.

Das Leipziger Original mit viel Charakter, Salz und Koriander. Na dann Goseanna! Die echte Leipzigerin vereint Persönlichkeit mit gutem Geschmack.

Gose, nur echt im
Bayerischen Bahnhof.

Echte Spezialitäten kann es nicht überall geben. Auch der Original Leipziger Gose steht deshalb ein exklusiver Auftritt zu – und den bietet ihr das Gasthaus Bayerischer Bahnhof. Ausschließlich für dessen Gäste gebraut, wird sie nur hier, im ältesten erhaltenen Kopfbahnhof der Welt, ausgeschenkt oder trinkfertig abgefüllt im Webshop verkauft.

What it is…

It used to be famous. Now it is an inside tip. However, it is definitely a Leipzig original: die Gose. Its appearance? Elegant golden yellow with a fine turbidity. First impression? Fizzy but sometimes sour as well. Its true nature? Rather bitter and dry. Its greatest strength? That certain something! Its hidden talents?
10.8 % original gravity, 4.5 % alcohol content, lactic fermentation – and a distinctive coriander character. The real Leipzig Gose simply isn’t just a beer like any other.

Where it comes from…

Its origins can be found in the Harz Mountains – in Goslar, to be precise. It got its name from the local Gose creek. Its history goes way back: the future “queen bee(r)” was first mentioned in a document in 1332. Since 1738, it has also been brewed in Leipzig and its fan base is growing constantly. That is how it became the city’s favorite beer by the end of the 19th century. It almost fell into oblivion due to the turmoil that marked the 20th century. Bayrischer Bahnhof ensures that the traditional Leipzig beverage can still be enjoyed today in order to keep a piece of Leipzig culture alive. Sip by sip.

What makes it special…

Being an eccentric among German beer types, the Gose obviously does not stick to the German purity law. But it doesn’t have to. It has special rights and protection as the Free State of Saxony granted an exemption so that Leipzig’s specialty can be brewed here. If you want to drink to that (or anything else) just do so by saying “Goseanna!” – This will identify you as an expert right away.


How to drink it

The inside is as impressive as the outside so there’s no need for the Gose to hide:

Aroma: fizzy and fruity with a fine tartness and coriander citrus flavors


Visit us …

Bayerischer Bahnhof
Brau & Gaststättenbetrieb GmbH & Co KG
Bayrischer Platz 1
04103 Leipzig
Phone: +49 (0)341-12457-60
Fax: +49 (0)341-12457-70